Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Are My Goals for 2010

There are several, so let's get right to it:

1. Learn new skills: Entrelac, domino, double, twined and more color work knitting.
2. Schedule and teach at least two classes a month
3. Provide more fun knitting accessories at my Etsy shop
4. Design and submit a pattern to
5. Design and submit patterns on
6. Attend the third annual Loopy Ewe Spring Fling in April
7. Attend the Pagosa Fiber Festival the end of May
8. Learn more digital camera techniques
9. Post on my blog at least three times a week
10. Have more fun, say yes to more of life and be grateful every day for what I have.

I think that will do it for this year. What are your plans for the New Year?


konagirl said...

My main goal for 2010 is to enjoy the journey! Yes - I definitely have a lot of knitting activities planned for the year ahead. Will be happy with the outcome and go with the flow! Happy New Year!

D. West Davies said...

Hope you get to attend the Pagosa Fiber Festival this year!

Cathy R said...

My goal for 2010.

Get out of bed at least once each day.

I'm sure that I should have more worthy goals, but in all honesty, I'd like to make a goal that I can keep. :-)

My secondary goal is to get knitting again. As soon as my hands recover from all of the packing and unpacking...