Monday, April 26, 2010

Messages from Camp Mouse - Spring 2010

When I travel for more than an overnight, Pedro gets to go to Camp Mouse and stay with his second favorite people, the Grups (my folks). They have a larger house in the woods and he has lots of room to run and windows to watch for a wide variety of critters, from deer to chipmunks to birds to the occasional fox or coyote or bear.

His usual activity line up is something like this: Pester Mrs. Grup until she runs the water in the kitchen sink so he can have a drink, open the thermal curtains so he can lay on the large windowsill and watch for his outdoor peeps, follow one or both of the Grups up and down the long hallway to check on their every move, and have lots of spa time because he gets brushed twice a day.

And my mom aka Mrs. Grup sends me an e-card each evening with a version of the day's events from his perspective. You can't get any better boarding service than that. Here is the collection from his stay during my trip to Spring Fling:

Day One: Hi from Camp Mouse. So far things are going fine. My only problem is the Grups don't go to bed when they are told. But I will try to whip them into shape, I hope they're not too old to learn. you know the old saying that you can't teach old dogs new tricks. But maybe they are not beyond all hope. See you Sunday, be safe. Love, Pedro

Day Two: Mom, not as many birds at camp. I'm told that it's too cold, but it looked good and this afternoon I got a large open area in the sun to sit in and I enjoyed it until almost dark. I guess I was a good boy last night, I made the camp look like the K Mart blue light special. If I could dance I'll bet those blue lights would really look great. Well, it's almost bedtime. I'll write more later. Love, Pedro

Day Three: Hi Mom from Camp Mouse. Since I wrote last the Grups finally went to bed but didn't settle down so I was on guard duty for a while. I even tried getting on the bed with them but it didn't help much. Well, today I had some very large eared things that the Grups call the girls (deer) look in the window at me. Then, at my other vantage point, there were some things that look like my squirrel at home but smaller, about the size of mice. It's been a long day and I need a nap if I'm going to stay up until they go to bed. Miss you. Love, Pedro

Day Four: Well, here I am again and would you believe that the Grups left me alone all day and didn't even kiss me goodbye. So the day was boring what with no extra brushing or anything. It was dark when they got home and there had been thunder and lightning. You know how much I like that. The Grups brought my Dream Curl to me, so nice and it smelled like home. But I wonder, are you moving me in a piece at a time? Well, it's time to go to bed. Love you, have a safe trip, Pedro

Day Five: Hi, today was real good and the Grups stayed here all day. Didn't even leave to go get the mail. I am finding all the dirt to play in so I'll need a bath when you get home but I do get brushed a lot, purrrrr. What are you going to bring me? Please, please. Love, Pedro PS: I hope you are dancing.

Day Six: Hi again. It's been a great day. The Grups have been here all day (I grounded them after their last stunt of leaving me all day alone) and it has been snowing. Last night Mrs. Grup went to bed early and I joined her on the bed. She was working on a book but I played real cute and she stopped and petted me for the longest time until I am almost furless. I went to my guard post when they turned out the lights for the night. Love, Pedro.

Day Seven: (e-card is one with a virtual hug and this simple message): I have hugs for you. I'm just waiting for you to collect them. Love, Pedro

Day Seven (second card): Hi, well it has been a good day. The Grups were here all day. This afternoon I talked Mrs. Grup into a short nap. There was nobody to watch outside because of all the white stuff. Last night when we went to bed and the lights were out I got to take a short nap on the bed but they wiggle around too much. I hope what I am told is true. Are you coming home tomorrow? Really, really, I hope so. But don't get me wrong, I enjoy Camp Mouse a lot but I miss you. Love, Pedro.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

That is adorable! I wish I could send my kitties to a camp like that.