Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Boy's New Trick

Pedro. He is such a smart kitty. He has a new trick that he wants me to share with you.

He likes his water fresh and running out of a faucet, even though he has fresh water in his bowl morning and evening.

So, now when I get home in the evening, his ritual is: he runs to his litter box to do his 'biz, then hops up on the bathroom counter and looks insistent. I turn on the water, he observes, then looks to me. What he wants is me to cup my hand under the running water like a lily pad so he can drink from it. No, I know what you are thinking, he is NOT spoiled one little bit...okay, you got me. He does have me well-trained. I think for Christmas he is getting a water fountain-style drinking dish.

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