Friday, September 4, 2009

Sock Progress: Monkey and Bilingual

When last you left this sock knitter I was working on two socks, one - the mate to the Monkey socks on dpns and the other - a plain ribbed sock done on the newly learned Socks on Two Circs method.

Here is where we are now: Monkey sock is into the heel turn and the two circ sock, I am calling Bilingual, is into the gusset. Bilingual is knitting up much tighter than Monkey. I am knitting on size ones in both cases and with similar fingering yarn. The only thing I can think of is it is because I can keep a tighter tension on the circs versus changing dpns every lace pattern repeat over 4 needles.

I am going to try the Bilingual's mate on a 16-inch circ instead of the 12-inch circs I am currently using to see if there is a difference there. I really like the feel of the circs. I think they will make a much better travelling sock project because I feel more secure knitting on them. No chance of flipping a needle across the plane. I do have to find out if HiyaHiya makes these needles with bamboo tips instead of metal. That will prevent a standoff with TSA.

I hope everyone is making progress on their favorite projects!


Cathy R said...

From my personal experience, 12 and 16 inches are too short for socks on two circulars. I would go for 24" at least...

They are floppy and all over the place, but no "tightness" problems.

Lori said...

Hi! This is the 2nd comment from a neighbor friend! I'll write a later comment and hopefully you'll see it. The 4th is my going over the hill day. ha. I'm writing this though on October 8th. Finally looking at your website (blog). Looks great! Lots-O-Knitting going on! Where's the cooking section, too? ha! The Knitting looks really nice, you look skilled in it!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, this magnificent idea is necessary just by the way