Thursday, September 10, 2009

Progress Report: Socks on 2 Circs

I received the Hiya needles in 16-inch length, size 1s and have been using them through the gussett decreases on Bilingual Sock. Today, I did the last decrease row and am ready to reset the stitches so that all instep are on one and bottom of foot on other. I am told that this will make it easier when I get to the toe decreases.

I can say that using the 16-inch length needles is making the knitting easier. It does not feel as cramped. One of my friends have suggested that 24-inch lengths were suggested in the pattern and knitting technique for a reason. I will take that on advisement since I am searching for a needle type and length that will pass TSA without incident, question or conflict.

The next hurdle will be when I cast on for the next sock of the Bilingual. My experience has been that the cast on is the one part of knitting that you do not get lots of practice on unless you purposely do it.

I hope everyone is making progress on their favorite projects!

1 comment:

Cathy R said...

I had a scary moment in the Vancouver airport - they took me and my bag into the "little room" and started going through really carefully, item by item.

They relaxed immediately when I asked if it was my knitting needles that were causing the alarm.

*sheesh* You would think that a Canadian airport would be used to knitting needles.