Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Borrowed a Meme for Fun

While I was trying to wake up this cold, windy morning I ran across a blog post by Carole Knits. It seems we are all looking for things to blog to get through this winter and she had stumbled on a fun meme idea. So I thought I should borrow it. Note: this is not because I don't have lots of things I should be doing, like prepping the paperwork for my knit cables class, or for my knitted flowers class. I am just at a standstill as to what to start next. This looks like fun.

Your Name - Donna

Four letter word - dill

Boy name - Don (named after my uncle)

Girl name - Deidre

Occupation - Driver

Color - dandelion (provided by Crayola)

Beverage - Dragonfly (it is a rum drink)

Something found in a bathroom - ducks (mine is full of them - I collect)

A Place - Durango

Reason for being late - dumbfounded

Food - drumstick

Something you shout - Dad burnit!

I think that woke my brain up. Your turn!

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