Tuesday, July 26, 2011

KWCG Sock of the Month - July Update

One sock is complete. And with a couple adjustments, these are the best fitting socks so far. I did a 2 1/2 inch heel flap, and added 1/2 inch to the toe before I started the decreases. For me, that is the answer.

It is great to learn something new every time I knit a pair of socks.

The second sock is started and has 2 inches of cuff/leg done. I should be able to finish this one close to the end of the month.

I am excited about my August socks, I will announce what I plan to do the first of the month. It will be a different method for me and probably will be a house knit this time.

I hope everyone has fun summer projects going on ~!

1 comment:

Cathy R said...

Yay socks! They look really nice. I've turned the heel on my May/June/July second sock, so progress is being made.