Friday, March 18, 2011

KWCG Sock of the Month Club - March Update

The first March sock is complete. I have started the second sock however it will be a fraternal twin as the first sock has an attitude about being duplicated. Something about cloning and Frankenstein and a crime against nature.

Actually, it is more about me not really liking this stitch pattern. I guess because I had to tinker with it to get the size I needed I just don't want to have to sit and figure it out again for the second sock.

So, I am taking advantage of this situation to knit my first afterthought heel sock. I am using the Totally Tubular pattern by Samantha Roshak with the variation of knitting the heel placement marking with waste yarn at the 7-inch mark then knitting the foot to total 9 inches = 16-inch tube knitting.

I will keep you posted on my progress. I want to see if this method goes faster for sock knitting or if I am just crazy like that. I hope everyone is enjoying their March~!

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