Monday, March 2, 2009

Taming the Homespun

Thanks to a friend, I have the pictorial of how to tame Homesppun yarn that has gone rogue. Let's begin:

I began with this.

Then I worked my way through the spaghetti-like mess.

Once it was de-tangled, I wound the wayward yarn into a ball.

And, Ta-Da! it is tamed and back on the needles to finish the project.

My experience with Homespun is: it does not like to pull from the center smoothly and, if wound with a ball-winder, it will deconstruct itself into a pile of knots. The only logical thing to do is wind it into a ball and contain it in either a plastic jar, like shown above, or in a baggie.

Hope your yarn is behaving well in your world!

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