Friday, July 4, 2008

A Fabulous 4th

The day started out with a bang! First, I went across town to the big town center area where the Cinemark Theater is and waited in line for the first show of the day of Hancock. All this for a free T-shirt. Had fun soaking up the crisp air, sunshine and knitting in line. That activity garnered some interest from onlookers and even from those in the theater as I had 45 minutes of wait time until the movie started.

Then I came home to find my shared porch had gone patriotic. So I let Pedro out to show us how he was going to celebrate, and got the camera to show all of you.

It was a stay-at-home 4th for me. I got yarn organization done and some processing on roasted chilis and basil with winter dishes in mind. I love the stuff fresh however cannot buy just a small amount. So I save some fresh for immediate use and batch the rest for the freezer.

And with the gas prices where they are, I was going no further than necessary. At least this has made more jobs for sheep and goats.

And Pedro enjoyed being outside for the majority of three days. He even has his own crossing sign courtesy of our good neighbors.

Saw some fireworks at Memorial Park and called it a night.
Hope your 4th was fabulous!


Anonymous said...

that's way too cool.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Pedro Crossing sign! What a cool gift.

It sounds like your July 4th was good.

We went to ride the Royal Gorge Railroad and had a wonderful day. Got home in plenty of time to knit and then go to bed, just in time to be woken up by the fireworks.