Thursday, November 27, 2008

Be Thankful!

Even when it seems that the sky is falling, the world as we know it is collapsing and life is crumbling around us, there are still many things to be thankful for.

In that spirit, I am thankful for:

Family and friends, the good health of my parents and their continued desire to get out and enjoy life. The cutest, most lovable cat buddy in the world. Making money doing what I love. Plenty of yarn and patterns to keep me busy, productive, creative and calm. And the beautiful place that I live, I never get tired of the view. And lower fuel prices! (yes, that does say $1.43 for unleaded)

On this day I encourage you to take a few moments and be thankful for all the things in your life no matter how small. Stop, take a breath, observe and be thankful for all that you have and all that you are. We are all special and blessed!

Pedro has discovered that momma's boots are a fun thing to wrassle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Donna and Pedro!! I hope that you are having a yummy turkey-filled day.

I'm staying out of the way, mainly.

Have a great day, and hugs to you both.