Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Final-Push Knits

This is it! The final push to get my gifts finished. As you see, there are still several skeins in the pile to be turned into some special for my recipients.

Loopy has been helping by sitting on my desk, reminding me that every minute counts. In that pile are four gifts so that is not as bad as it looks.

I have to admit that these projects are additions to the list I made last June in preparation for this Christmas. As promised, finished projects have been photoed and will be up on the blog on December 26th.

I hope everyone is to the enjoyment of the season point in their world!


Anonymous said...

I'm on home stretch. Actually, the head of the second knitted bunny. Then comes some seaming and stuffing. I should be done with both by the end of this weekend (all goes well).

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the finished projects on the 26th!